Monday, September 24, 2012

Big and strong and coming right along....

4 Months...
Weight: 18 lbs. 8 oz. -  100% (+)...yes he's off the charts!!
Height: 26 1/4 in. - 90%
Head: 17 1/4 in. - 90%...the boys have large heads!

A few tidbits to remember...
* Loves his blankies
* Definitely found his voice...talks all the time
*LOVES his brother....yells at him and talks his ear off. Laughs when Bos laughs. It's so fun to see them together.
*Sleeps all night long! woot woot!
* Likes playing with his hand and grabs everything
* Watches every bite I take! I think he's gonna be a good eater...please.
* Hates his carseat
* Loves his swing
* Smiles at anyone and anything
* He's very ticklish!
* Likes his binki, but prefers his two middle fingers


  1. Oh my word. What a chunk! He's two pounds heavier than Lydia and she's ten months. Hahaha! I guess you make big boys and I make petite girls :) What a cutie. I want to squish him!! I hope all is well with all of you!

  2. What a big boy! Finley just had his 6 month appointment and he weighs 16lbs. He sure is a cutie!
